I currently work for CERN. As part of its HL-LHC upgrade program, the CMS collaboration is designing a High Granularity Calorimeter (HGCAL) to replace the existing endcap calorimeters. As HGCAL DPG Convener I'm following up most of the software activities related to calibration and full event reconstruction with a "particle flow"-like approach. In particular, the reconstruction framework is designed with heterogeneous architectures (mainly, but not only, GPU) and parallel algorithms in mind.

I obtained my "Laurea" degree in Particle Physics from the Insubria University in Como. I obtained the Ph.D. in Particle Physics from the very same University a couple of years later.

I enjoy writing fast and efficient reconstruction algorithms for the CMS experiment. CMSSW is the project I contribute the most, at present.

I enjoy also writing fast and efficient parallel and heterogeneous algorithms for the CMS experiment. Have a look at the Patatrack project if you want to know more.